When I first got the idea of writing blog to stream my activities, I listed out basic requirements.

  • Static site generator
  • Server to run my site

First thing is Static site generator, I found Hugo, the fastest static site generator written in Go with ultimate features like image processing etc.,
All these with out installing any plugins.

Basic commands to get started

# creates new website
hugo new site-name

# runs site with local server
# with default port :1313
hugo server

# build project, artifacts under /public folder

You can add your favourite theme(s), by placing theme under /themes folder

With config.toml file, you configure hugo and theme params, see following file for reference

baseURL = "http://jokrhat.in"
languageCode = "en-us"

title = "JokrHat"
theme = "m10c"

	author = "Siva Chegondi"
	description = "Web Engineer with good knowledge of *nix and DevOps"

		name = "github"
		url = "https:///github.com/siva-chegondi"
		name = "linkedin"
		url = "https://linkedin.com/in/siva-chegondi"

After setting up basic configuration, now start writing your posts under /content folder. I prefer markdown ( easy to format ) to write posts.

In our next post, we are gonna deploy our blog using ACME supported server, caddy which enables tls by default using letsencrypt.