Here we are gonna discuss about [caddy][caddy_url] server which by default enables tls using ACME protocol and [letsencrypt][letsencrypt_url]


  • Automated certificate Management Environment (ACME), protocol to get signed certificates automatically with out human intervention, this complies identity verification, domain validation and terms acceptance.
    • Client sends a request for proving domain ownership .
    • Letsencrypt CA responses with challenges and nonce.
    • Client encrypts nonce with private key along with challenge response data.
    • Now CA downloads nonce and verify with client (agent) public key and response with success message.
  • Once verification is done, ACME client creates Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to Certificate Authority supporting ACME ( assume letsencrypt ) for certificate. Now its job of CA to generate certificate and encrypt with ACME client public key.

Above steps explain briefly, if you want to learn in detail check out this. Also please do watch following video for better understanding.


  • [Caddy][caddy_url] is a server which supports ACME protocol
  • By default, caddy enables tls from [letsencrypt][letsencrypt_url] CA

Caddy configuration is concise, for example consider the following.

Please use staging for non-prod, else you will face certificate rate limit issue, for more information, check out this

# domain name

# root to contents
root 	/path/to/site-contents

# plugins
log 	/path/to/log

# enable tls, default letsencrypt
tls email@address

# for staging, use letsencrypt staging url
# tls email@address {
#		ca
# }
See its that simple, first line should always be your domain

You can also use caddy for development in local system, following is example configuration to run in your local system

# domain name

# root to contents
root 	/path/to/site-contents

# plugins
log 	/path/to/log

# off tls to run on port 80
tls off 
[caddy_url]: [letsencrypt_url]: